Dr. Rogers' Reports on Externally Funded Research

De Araujo, Rafael and Rogers, J. David, 2015, Topographic Landslide Hazard Mapping in the Bobonaro District, Timor Leste, for the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars, Washington, DC, 5 February 2015.
J. Day, C. Bailey, D. Batker, S. Bentley, J. Cable, R. Costanza, J. Cowan, L. Deegan, A. Freeman, L. Giosan, R. Gramling, M. Kelly. G.P. Kemp, S. Laska, S. Mack. J. Morris, W. Nuttle, A. Nyman, J.D. Rogers, G. Shaffer, F. Sklar, and C.S. Willson, 2012, “Answering 10 Fundamental Questions About the Mississippi River Delta: A Report by the Mississippi River Delta Science & Engineering Special Team” convened by the National Audubon Society, Environmental Defense Fund, and the National Wildlife Federation, October 2012, 36 p. http://www.mississippiriverdelta.org/files/2012/04/MississippiRiverDeltaReport.pdf
Jae-won Chung and J. D. Rogers, 2012, “Final Report - Liquefaction Hazard Maps for the St. Louis Area Earthquake Hazards Mapping Project,” U.S. Geological Survey award No G11AP20125, January 18, 2012, 10 pages.
Jae-won Chung and J. D. Rogers, 2011, “Final Report - St. Louis Area Modeling Depth-to-Bedrock in Major River Channels in the St. Louis Area,” U.S. Geological Survey award No G10AC00224, May 13, 2011, 6 pages.
Jae-won Chung and J. D. Rogers, 2010, Progress Report - St. Louis Area Modeling Depth-to-Bedrock in Major River Channel; “Refinement of Geodatabase for the St. Louis Area Earthquake Hazard Mapping Project, Missouri,” U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Research Agreement, September 2, 2010, 10 p.
Rogers, J. David, 2010, “2008 Midwest Flooding and Lessons for Levee Performance and Reliability to Other Similarly Threatened Areas of the U.S.,” Progress report to the National Science Foundation for term Aug 1, 2008 to July 31, 2010.
R.A. Williams, R.A. Bauer, O.S. Boyd, J. Chung, C.H. Cramer, D.A. Gaunt, D. Hoffman, G.L. Hempen, N.S. McCallister, J.L. Prewett, J.D. Rogers, P.J. Steckel, and C.M. Watkins, 2009, St. Louis Area Earthquake Hazards Mapping Project— December 2008–June 2009 Progress Report: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1245. http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1245/
E. Karadeniz and J. D. Rogers, 2009, Modeling Uncertainties in Lithology and Sensitivity Analyses of Seismic Site Response for the Pilot Quadrangles in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Missouri and Illinois: Final Technical Report, U.S. Geological Survey-NEHRP External Grant 08HQAG0120, October 2, 2009, 102 p. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/external/reports/08HQAG0155.pdf
D. Karadeniz, J. D. Rogers, R.A. Williams, C.H. Cramer, R.A. Bauer, D. Hoffman, J. Chung, G.L. Hempen, P.H. Steckel, O.L. Boyd, C.M. Watkins, N.S. McCallister, and E. Schweig, 2009, St. Louis Area Earthquake Hazards Mapping Project - A Progress Report - November 2008: U. S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2009-1059. Online: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1059/
R. Storesund, R. G. Bea, M. Bernhardt, J.-L. Briaud, D. Franen, A. Govindasamy, S. Gyu, D. Kim, M. Leclair, G. Hempen, N. R. Maerz, J. D. Rogers, and C. M. Watkins, 2009, 2008 Midwest Levee Performance Investigation: Summary of Field Reconnaissance, Report to the National Science Foundation, March 31, 2009, under Grant CMMI-0842801, 88 p.
Rogers, J. D., and Onstad, K.L., 2008, Development of a Virtual Geotechnical Database System to Store and Retrieve Subsurface Information, to the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, 21 Aug 2008, 63 p.
Rogers, J. David, 2008, Creation of a Geologic GIS database for the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Missouri and Illinois: Final Technical Report, U.S. Geological Survey-NEHRP External Grant 06HQGR0155, January 30, 2008, 22 p. Online:
Rogers, J. David and Karadeniz, D., 2008, Pilot Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Granite City, Monks Mound, and Columbia Bottom Quadrangles, St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Missouri and Illinois: Final Technical Report, USGS NEHRP Grant 07HQGR0012,102 p.
Rogers, J. David, 2007, Implementation of an AGS-COSMOS-FHWA Compatible Geotechnical Database for the St. Louis Metro Area, Missouri and Illinois and, the Evansville-Henderson Area, Indiana and Kentucky: Final Technical Report, U.S. Geological Survey-NEHRP External Grant 05HQAG0147, December, 13, 2007, 19 p. Online:
Seed, R.B., Abdelmalak, R.I., Athanasopoulos, A.G., Bea, R.G., Boutwell, G.P., Bray, J.D., Briaud, J.-L., Cheung, C., Collins, B.D., Cobos-Roa, D., Cohen-Waeber, J., Ehrensing, L., Farber, D., Hanenmann, M., Harder, L.F., Inamine, M.S., Inkabi, K.S., Kammerer, A.M., Karadeniz, D., Kayen, R.E., Moss, R.E.S., Nicks, J., Nimala, S., Pestana, J.M., Porter, J., Rhee, K., Riemer, M.F., Roberts, K., Rogers, J.D., Storesund, R., Thompson, A., Govindasamy, A.V., Vera-Grunauer, X., Wartman, J., Watkins, C.M., Wenk, E., and Yim, S., 2006, Investigation of the Performance of the New Orleans Flood Protection Systems in Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005, Final Report to the National Science Foundation, under Grants CMS-0413327 and CMS-0611632, July 31, 2006, 742 p. Online:
Seed, R.B., Abdelmalak, R.I., Athanasopoulos, A.G., Bea, R.G., Boutwell, G.P., Bray, J.D., Briaud, J.-L., Cheung, C., Collins, B.D., Cobos-Roa, D., Cohen-Waeber, J., Ehrensing, L., Farber, D., Hanenmann, M., Harder, L.F., Inamine, M.S., Inkabi, K.S., Kammerer, A.M., Karadeniz, D., Kayen, R.E., Moss, R.E.S., Nicks, J., Nimala, S., Pestana, J.M., Porter, J., Rhee, K., Riemer, M.F., Roberts, K., Rogers, J.D., Storesund, R., Thompson, A., Govindasamy, A.V., Vera-Grunauer, X., Wartman, J., Watkins, C.M., Wenk, E., and Yim, S., 2006, Investigation of the Performance of the New Orleans Flood Protection Systems in Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005, Draft Final Report to the National Science Foundation, Report No. UCB/CCRM-06/01, May 22, 2006, 314 p. Online:
Chen, G., Stephenson, R., Prakash, S., Anderson, N.L., Rogers, J.D., El-Engebawy, M., and Kociu, S., 2004, Study of Near-Fault Earthquake Effects on Highway Bridges, Element 4 in Earthquake Hazards Mitigation Research Program for Highway Systems, Report of Cooperative Agreement DTFH61-02-X-00009, submitted by University of Missouri-Rolla to the Federal Highway Administration, pp. 14-29.
Rogers, J. D., and Doyle, B. C., 2004, Mapping of Seismically-Induced Landslippage in the Benton Hills and Crowley’s Ridge, New Madrid Seismic Zone, Missouri and Arkansas: U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, awarded November 1, 2002. Final report submitted May 1, 2004. Online: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/external/reports/03HQGR0023.pdf
Rogers, J. D., 2004, Mapping of Seismically-Induced Landslippage in the Western New Madrid Seismic Zone: University of Missouri Research Board, awarded January 1, 2003. Final report submitted on 31 July 2004.
Rogers, J. D., Mero, W.E., and Figuers, S.H., 1994, "Development of a Computerized Well Database for Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California": Final Report to the U.S. Geological Survey under Research Contract 1434-50023, January 1994, 69 p.
Rogers, J. D., and Figuers, S.H., 1992, "Engineering Geologic Site Characterization of the Greater Oakland‑Alameda Area, Alameda and San Francisco Counties, California": Final Report to the National Science Foundation: Grant No. BCS‑9003785: January 1992, 59 p., 4 plates.
Hittinger, M., Goodman, R.E., Rogers, J. D., and Figuers, S.H., 1981, “JTROCK2: A Computer Program for Stress Analysis of Two-Dimensional, Discontinuous Rock Masses”, Geotechnical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Nov. 1981.
Goodman, R.E., Rogers, J.D., and Chan, L.Y., 1981, "Development of Techniques for Evaluating Seismic Hazards of Creeping Landslides and Old Dams," Final Report for USGS-NEHRP Grant, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 81‑50 (1981).
Rogers, J. David, 1980, “Evidence of Damming in the Grand Canyon”, Investigator’s Annual Report to the U.S. Department of Interior National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park, for period June 1978-January 1980, submitted February 20, 1980, 9 p.
Rogers, J. D., and Goodman, R.E., 1978, “Massive Rock Toppling in Grand Canyon, Arizona”, Investigator’s Annual Report to the U.S. Department of Interior National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park, for period June – November 1978, submitted December 27, 1978, 5 p.