Dr. Ganesh Dhakal
Post-doctoral fellow working with me during 2004-05 to evaluate: Impacts of strain softening in clay shales on gross slope instability

Dr. Ahmed M. Youssef
Dr. Ahmed M. Youssef, of Sohag University in Egypt. Came to UMR on a post-doctoral appointment from Egyptian Ministry of Education, May thru June 2007.

Dr. Jae-won Chung
Post-doctoral fellow working on developing a front end interactive GIS map custom coded with ArcIMS, which could be used to generate the map images in HTML, and can be used to access any virtual geotechnical database. January 2008 thru December 2014.

Dr. Payman Hajiani
Post-doctoral fellow working on geostatistical methods, signals processing, and hydrogeologic modeling during the 2017 calendar year. He is also teaching Statistical Methods in geoengineering during the Spring 2017 semester.

Dr. Prem Bahadur Thapa
2014-15 Fulbright Visiting Scholar from the Department of Geology at Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, Nepal, worked with me on regional landslide hazard mapping and in developing landslide mitigation strategies.

Dr. M. Farooq Ahmed
Post-doctoral fellow working on various aspects of regional landslide hazard mapping, including topographic recognition keys, fuzzy logic sets, use of knick points as reliable landslide dam indicators, and impacts of inclined rainfall/precipitation on runoff and erosion.