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Dr. Rogers' Peer Reviewed Articles in Conference Proceedings

Rogers, J. David, 2017, William Mulholland: Father of the Los Angeles Municipal Water Supply System: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2017: pp. 394-409.

Rogers, J. David, 2017, Who designed the ill-fated St. Francis Dam? World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2017: pp. 379-393.

Rogers, J. David, 2016, Donald Roebling and the Origins of the Amphibious Tractor: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2016: pp. 144-153.

DOI: 10.1061/9780784479841.016

Hulse, Robert, and Rogers, J. David, 2016, Brunel’s Launch Ways: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2016: pp.114-123.

DOI: 10.1061/9780784479841.013.

Rogers, J. David, 2015, The Failure of the Lower Colorado River Dam at Austin, Texas: World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2015: pp. 147-160.


Rogers, J. David, and Ahmed, M. F., 2013. Discussion of Risk Factors for Triggering of Rockslide Avalanche Dams in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan and Mitigation Strategies: Symposium Proceedings 47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association, San Francisco, ARMA Paper 13-591 (11p.).

Rogers, J. David, 2013, Arthur Morgan ushers in the era of engineered flood control in the wake of the 1913 Dayton flood: in C.L. Patterson and D.J. Murray, eds., World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2013: pp. 8-20. DOI: 10.1061/9780784412947.002

Rogers, J.D., 2013, Ralph Peck’s Circuitous Path to Professor of Foundation Engineering (1930-48). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Chicago, April 29- May 4, 2013, Invited Paper No. RBP-7, Session on Legacy of Ralph B. Peck, 39 p.

Ahmed, M. F., Rogers, J. D., and Farooq, K., 2012. Impacts of saturation on rainfall-triggered slope failures at the Simbal Landslide, Pakistan: Proceedings 46th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Chicago, American Rock Mechanics Association, Paper 12-551.

Watts, C.F., Underwood, A. H., Haneberg, W.C., and Rogers, J. D., 2012, Fully rationalized equations for incorporating joint water pressure in rock slope stability analyses at Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park, California: Proceedings11th International and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides, Banff, Alberta.

Rogers, J. David, 2012, The American search for a canal in Mexico, Nicaragua, or Panama. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2012: pp. 1065-1075.

DOI: 10.1061/9780784412312.109

Rogers, J. David, 2012, The Americans succeed in constructing a canal across Panama. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress: pp. 1076-1086.

DOI: 10.1061/9780784412312.110

Rogers, J. David, 2012, Struggles to make the Panama Canal viable. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress: pp. 1049-1057. DOI: 10.1061/9780784412312.107

Rogers, J. David, 2012, 70 years of schemes to improve and enlarge the Panama Canal. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress: pp. 1013-1023. DOI: 10.1061/9780784412312.103

Hawks, Andre, Asbury, Brian, Rogers, J. David, and Rostami, Jamal, 2012, Economical Benefits of Rock Joint Testing: North American Tunneling: 2012 Proceedings, Matthew Fowler, Robert Palermo, Robert Pintabona, and Michael Smithson, Jr., Editors, pp. 236-247.

Rogers, J. D., and Karadeniz, D., 2010, Overview of the Seismic Threat in the Central United States; Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego, May 24-29, 2010. State of the Art and Practice (SOAP) Lecture 9, 15 p.

Bernhardt, M., Bea G.R., Briaud J.L., Franken D., Govindsamy A., Lim S.G., Kim, D., Leclair, M., Hempen,G., Maerz, N.H., Rogers, J.D., Storesund, R., Watkins, C. (2009). "2008 Midwest Levee Performance Investigation: Summary of Erosion and Index Testing," Proceedings of 2009 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Rogers, J. D., 2009, Overview of Post-Flood Surveys of the Upper Mississippi River Valley in the Summer of 2008, in R. E. Criss and T. M. Kusky, 2009, Finding the Balance between Floods, Flood Protection, and River Navigation, published by Saint Louis University, Center for Environmental

Sciences, pp. 41-47.

Bernhardt, M., Bea G.R., Briaud J.L., Franken D., Govindsamy A., Lim S.G., Kim, D., Leclair, M., Hempen,G., Maerz, N.H., Rogers, J.D., Storesund, R., Watkins, C. (2009). “2008 Midwest Levee Failures: An Investigation,” Proceedings of the ASCE Texas Section Meeting, Houston, TX.

Rogers, J.D., 2008, A Historical Perspective on Geotechnical Case Histories Courses: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington, Aug 11-16, 2008, Session 11, 18 p.

Luna, R., and Rogers, J.D., 2008, Recent Geotechnical Developments in Geospatial Information Systems Technology, MO: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington, Aug 11-16, 2008, State of the Art and Practice Lecture 5, 17 p.

Rogers, J.D., and Watkins, C.M., 2008, Overview of the Taum Sauk Pumped Storage Power Plant Upper Reservoir Failure, Reynolds County, MO: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington, Aug 11-16, 2008, Paper No. 2.43, 12 p.

Rogers, J.D., Karadeniz, D., and Chung, J.W., 2007, The Effect of Site Conditions on Amplification of Ground Motion in the St. Louis Area: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, June 25-28, 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece, Paper No. 1768, 11 p.

Chen, G., El-Engebawy, M., Zeng, Y., Rogers, J.D., Hoffman, D., and Herrmann, R.B., 2004, Generation of Near-Field Rock Motions with a Composite Source Model within the New Madrid Seismic Zone: Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Aug 1-6, 2004, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Rogers, J. D., and Luna, R., 2004, Impact of Geographical Information Systems on Geotechnical Engineering: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, New York, State-of-the-art and Practice Paper OSP 3, pp. 1-23.

Chen, G., El-Engebawy, M. A., Zeng, Y., Rogers, J. D., Hoffman, D., and Herrmann, R.B., 2004, Sensitivity Study on Near-Fault Rock Motions within the New Madrid Seismic Zone Using a Composite Source Model: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering and the 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.

Ismail, A.M., Anderson, N.L., Rogers, J. D., Abbas, M.A., and Atekwana, E.A., 2003, Hydrogeophysical investigation at Luxor, Southern Egypt: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Application of Geophysical Methodologies and Non Destructive Testing to Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure, Orlando Florida, p. 1-12.

Rogers, J. David, 2003, Innovative Solutions for Water Wars in Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority: Proceedings of the International Conference on Military Geology and Geography, United States Military Academy at West Point, 2003, pp. 1-21.

Rogers, J. David, and Figuers, Sands H., 1991, Site Stratigraphy Effects on Soil Amplification in the Vicinity of Oak­land, California: Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Seismic Zonation, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Stanford University, v. III, pp. 343-350.

Rogers, J. David, 1991, Mechanisms and Microzonation Implications involved with Seismic Reac­tivation of Ancient Landslide Complexes, Fourth International Con­ference on Seismic Zonation, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Stanford University, v. III, pp. 499-506.

Rogers, J. David, 1991, Site Stratigraphy and Its Effects on Soil Amplification in the Greater Oakland Area During the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake: Proceedings Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis, March 11‑15, 1991, Vol. III, pp. 2323-2355.

Borchardt, Glenn., and Rogers, J. David, 1991, Earthquake Potential Along the Hayward Fault, California: Proceedings Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis, March 11‑15, 1991, Vol. III, pp. 2309-2321.

Rogers, J. D., Wills, C.J., and Manson, M. W., 1991, Two Sequences of Fine Grained Soil Liquefaction at Soda Lake, Pajaro River Valley, Santa Cruz County, California: Proceedings Second International Con­ference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis, March 11 ‑15, 1991, Vol. III, pp. 2295-2308.

Reneau, S. L., Dietrich, W.E., Wilson, C.J., and Rogers, J. D., 1984, Colluvial Deposits and Associated Landslides in the Northern San Fran­cisco Bay Area, California, U.S.A.: Fourth International Congress on Landslides, Toronto, pp. 425‑430.

Amadei, B., Rogers, J. D., and Goodman, R.E., 1983, Elastic Constants and Tensile Strength of Anisotropic Rocks: Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Rock Mechanics, ISRM, Melbourne, Volume A, pp. A189‑A196.

Rogers, J. David, 1980, The Development of Natural Rock Arches at Arches National Park, Utah: Proceedings of the Second Conference on ­Scientific Research in the National Parks, Vol. 5 Physical Sciences, ­National Park Service, Washington D.C., pp. 274-295.

Rogers, J. D., and Savage, E.D., 1980, Potential Instability of Rainbow Bridge National Monument, Utah ‑ A Rock Mechanics Viewpoint: Proceedings of the Second Conference on ­Scientific Research in the National Parks, Vol. 5 Physical Sciences, ­National Park Service, Washington D.C., pp. 365‑373.

Goodman, R.E., and Rogers, J. D., 1980, Massive Rock Toppling at Clear Creek, Grand Canyon, Arizona (with R.E. Goodman), Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, National Park Service, Washington D.C., pp. 218‑231.

Rogers, J. D., and Pyles, M. R., 1980, Evidence of Cataclysmic Erosional Events in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Research in the National Parks, San Francisco: National Park Service, Washing­ton, D.C., Physical Sciences, v. 5, pp. 392‑454. Online:

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