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Dr. Rogers' Peer Reviewed Articles in Archival Journals

Rogers, J. David, and Barrelier, Manuel H., 2017, Gatun Dam – Megastructure of the Panama Canal (EEG-1935). Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 23, final acceptance for publication on May 30, 2017.

Ahmed, M.F., and Rogers, J.D., Ismail, E.H., 2017, Correlations between fluvial knickpoints and recurrent landslide dams along the Upper Indus River (EEG-1851), Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 23, final acceptance for publication on May 30, 2017.

Chung, J.W., and Rogers, J. David, 2017, Deterministic and Probabilistic Assessment of Liquefaction Hazards, Journal of Geoenvironmental & Geotechnical Engineering, Ms. GTENG-5488, final acceptance for publication on April 21, 2017.

Ahmed, M. Farooq, Rogers, J. David, Ismail, Elamin H., Usery, E. Lynn, and Abdelsalam, Mohamed G., 2017, Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Blue Nile and Tekeze River Basins Using Oblique Rainfall-Aspect Rasters,” Bulletin of Engineering Geology & The Environment 76:1-19 (31 Mar 2017). DOI: 10.1007/s10064-017-1033-4

Ismail, H. Elamin, Rogers, J. David, Ahmed, M. Farooq., and Abdelsalam, G. M., 2017, Regional Landslide Inventory Mapping of Bashilo River Watershed, Ethiopia, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 23:2, pp. 137-151.

Rogers, J. David and Chung Jae-won, 2017, A review of conventional techniques for subsurface characterization of landslides, Environmental Earth Sciences 76: 120. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-6353-3

Cramer, C.H., Bauer, R.A., Chung, J.A., Rogers, J.D., Pierce, L., Voight, V., Mitchell, B, Gaunt, D., Williams, R.A., Hoffman, D., Hempen, G.L., Steckel, P.J., Boyd, O.S., Watkins, C,M., Tucker, K., and McCallister, N., 2017, St Louis Area Earthquake Hazards Mapping Project: Seismic and Liquefaction Hazard Maps, Seismological Research Letters, 88(1):1-18 DOI:10.1785/0220160039

Rogers, J. David, Ahmed, M. Farooq, and Elamin H. Ismail, 2016, Landslide Susceptibility Screening Using Wind-Driven Rainfall, Engineering & Environmental Geoscience, 22(4), pp. 297-318.


Ismail, E.H., Rogers, J. David, Ahmed, M. Farooq, and Abu Bakar, M. Zubair, 2016, Subsurface profile interpretation of landslides, examples from Bashilo River watershed, Ethiopia. Environmental Earth Sciences 75:1153. DOI:10.1007/s12665-016-5964-z

Kemp, G.P., Day, J.W., Rogers, J.D., Giosan, L., and Peyronnin, N., 2016, Enhancing Mud Supply from the Lower Missouri River to the Mississippi River Delta USA: Dam bypassing and coastal restoration. Estuarine, Coast, and Shelf Science DOI: 10.1016/jecss.2016.07.008.

Rogers, J. David, and Chung, J.W., 2016, Applying Terzaghi’s method of slope characterization to the recognition of past land slippage. Geomorphology 265:24-44. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.04.020

Rogers, J. David and Chung, J.W., 2016, Mapping earthflows and earthflow complexes using topographic indicators. Engineering Geology 208:206-213. DOI:10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.04.025

Ahmed, M.F., Rogers, J.D., and Abu Bakar, M. Zubair, 2016, Hunza River Watershed Landslide and Related Features Inventory Mapping, Environmental Earth Sciences 75:523.

DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5172-2

Ahmed, M. F., Rogers, J. David, 2016, Regional level landslide inventory maps of the Shyok River watershed, Northern Pakistan, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 75(2), pp. 563-574. DOI 10.1007/s10064-015-0773-2

Chung, J.W., and Rogers, J. David, 2015, Seismic hazard map of Southeast Missouri and likely magnitude of the February 1812 New Madrid earthquake, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105:4 (August), pp. 2219-2234. DOI:10.1785/0120140307

Rogers, J.D., Kemp, G.P., Bosworth, H.J., and Seed, R.B., 2015, Interaction between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Orleans Levee Board Preceding the Drainage Canal Wall Failures and Catastrophic Flooding of New Orleans in 2005, Water Policy 17(4), pp. 707-723. DOI:10.2166/wp.2015.077

Farooq, Khalid, Rogers, J. David, and Ahmed, M. Farooq, 2015, Effect of Densification on Shear strength of the Simbal Landslide Material: A case study from the Salt Range, Pakistan, Earth Science Research 4:1, pp. 113-126. DOI: org/10.5539/esr.v4n1p113

Chung, Jae-won, and Rogers, J. David, 2014. Preparation of probabilistic liquefaction hazard map using liquefaction potential index, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 34(6), 1831-1836.

DOI: 10.12652/Ksce.2014.34.6.1831

Ahmed, M. Farooq, and Rogers, J. David, and Ismail, H. Elamin, 2014, Historic Landslide Dams along the upper Indus River, northern Pakistan. Natural Hazards Review, 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000165 , 04014029. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000165

Ahmed, M. Farooq, Rogers, J. David, and Cravens, Joseph F., 2014, Review on Liquefaction Potential of Silts from CPT Data, Journal of Geological Resources and Engineering, 2:2, pp.131-138.

Chung, Jae-Won, and Rogers, J. David, 2014. Landslide susceptibility as a function of fluctuating groundwater levels and seismic loading. Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 14(5), 115-121.

DOI: 10.9798/KOSHAM.2014.14.5.115

Ahmed, M.F., and Rogers, J.D., and Ismail, E.H., 2014, A Regional Level Preliminary Landslide Susceptibility Study of the Upper Indus River Basin, European Journal of Remote Sensing: 47: 343 - 373.


Kang, Gi-Chun, Chung, J. W., and Rogers, J.D., 2014, Re-calibrating the thresholds for classification of Liquefaction Potential Index based on the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu Earthquake, Engineering Geology, 169:30-40. DOI:org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.11.012

Chung, Jae-won, Rogers, J. David, and Watkins, Conor M., 2014, Estimating severity of seismically induced landslides and lateral spreads using threshold water levels, Geomorphology, 204:31-41.

DOI: org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.07.024

Ahmed, M.F., and Rogers, J.D., 2014, First-Approximation Landslide Inventory Maps for Northern Pakistan, Using ASTER DEM Data and Geomorphic Indicators, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 20:1, pp. 67-83. DOI: 10.2113/gseegeosci.20.1.67

Rogers, J.D., and Chung, J.W., 2013, Influence of Assumed Groundwater Depth on Mapping Liquefaction Potential, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience. 19:4, pp. 377-389.

DOI: 10.2113/gseegeosci.19.4.377

Rogers, J.D., and Chung, J.W., 2013, Uncertainties Monitoring Groundwater Levels in Exploratory Wells. Ground Water, 51:1, pp. 2-4. DOI :10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.01010.x

Chung, J.W., and Rogers, J.D., 2012, Estimating the position and variability of buried bedrock surfaces in the St. Louis Metro Area, Engineering Geology, 126:37-45. DOI:org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2011.12.007

Chung, J.W., and Rogers, J.D., 2012, Seismic Site Classification for the St. Louis Urban Area, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102:3 (June), pp. 980-990. DOI: 10.1785/0120110275

Chung, J.W., and Rogers, J.D., 2012, Interpolations of Groundwater Table Elevation in Dissected Uplands. Ground Water 50 (4) pp. 598-607. DOI:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00889.x

Bernhardt, M., Briaud, J.L., Kim, D., Leclair, M., Storesund, R., Lim, S.G., Bea, G.R., Rogers, J.D. 2011. Mississippi River Levee Failures: June 2008 Flood. International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories,, Vol.2, Issue 3, p. 127-162. DOI: 10.4417/IJGCH-02-02-03.

Chung, J. W., and Rogers, J.D., 2011, Simplified Method for Spatial Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential in the St. Louis Area: ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 137:5 (May), pp. 505-515.

Rogers, J.D., Watkins, C.M., and Chung, J.W., 2010, The 2005 Upper Taum Sauk Dam Failure: A case history: Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, v. 16:3 (August), pp. 257-289.

Chung, J.W., and Rogers, J.D., 2010, GIS-based virtual geotechnical database for the St. Louis Metro Area: Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, v. 16:2 (May), pp. 143-162.

Rogers, J. D., 2008, Development of the New Orleans Flood Protection System Prior to Hurricane Katrina, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 134:5 (May), pp. 602-617.

Rogers, J. D., Boutwell, G.P., Schmitz, D.W., Karadeniz, D., Watkins, C.M., Athanasopoulos, A.G., and Cobos-Roa, D., 2008, Geologic Conditions Underlying the 2005 17th Street Canal Levee failure in New Orleans, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 134:5 (May), pp. 583-601.

R. B. Seed, R. G. Bea, R. I. Abdelmalak, A. Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, G. P. Boutwell, J.-L. Briaud, C. Cheung, D. Cobos-Roa, L. Ehrensing, A. V. Govindasamy, L. F. Harder, K. S. Inkab, J. Nicks, J. M. Pestana, J. Porter, K. Rhee, M. F. Riemer, J. D. Rogers, R. Storesund, X. Vera-Grunauer; J. E. Wartman, New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina: I – Introduction, Overview, and the East Flank, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 134:5 (May), pp. 701-717.

R. B. Seed, R. G. Bea, A. Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, G. P. Boutwell, J. D. Bray, C. Cheung, D. Cobos-Roa, L. F. Harder, J. M. Pestana, M. F. Riemer, J. D. Rogers, R. Storesund, X. Vera-Grunauer; J. E. Wartman, New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina: II – The Central Region and the Lower Ninth Ward, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 134:5 (May), pp. 718-739.

R. B. Seed, R. G. Bea, A. Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, G. P. Boutwell, J. D. Bray, C. Cheung, D. Cobos-Roa, L. F. Harder, R.E.S. Moss, J. M. Pestana, J. Porter, M. F. Riemer, J. D. Rogers, R. Storesund, X. Vera-Grunauer; J. E. Wartman, New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina: III – The 17th Street Drainage Canal, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 134:5 (May), pp. 740-761.

R. B. Seed, R. G. Bea, A. Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, G. P. Boutwell, J. D. Bray, C. Cheung, D. Cobos-Roa, J. Cohen-Waeber, B.D. Collins, L. F. Harder, R. E. Kayen, J. M. Pestana, M. F. Riemer, J. D. Rogers, R. Storesund, X. Vera-Grunauer; J. E. Wartman, New Orleans & Hurricane Katrina: IV – The Orleans East Bank (Metro) Protected Basin, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, v. 134:5 (May), pp. 762-779.

Rogers, J. D., Karadeniz, D., and Kaibel, C.K., 2007, Seismic Response Modeling for Missouri River Highway Bridges: Journal of Earthquake Engineering: v. 11, No. 3 (May), pp. 400-424.

Rogers, J. David, 2006, Subsurface Exploration Using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT): Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, v. XII, No. 2 (May 2006), pp. 161-179.

Doyle, B.C., and Rogers, J.D., 2005, Seismically-Induced Lateral Spread Features in the Western New Madrid Seismic Zone: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, v. XI, No. 3 (August 2005), pp. 251-258.

Selected for the Outstanding Student Paper Award (Graduate Division) of the Association of Engineering Geologists.

Ismail, A., Anderson, N.L., and Rogers, J.D., 2005, Hydrogeophysical Investigation at Luxor, Southern Egypt : Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, v. 10:1 (March), pp. 35-49.

El-Engebawy, M. A., Chen, G., Rogers, J.D., Hoffman, D., Herrmann, R.B., 2004, Finite Fault Modeling of Near-Field Rock Motions in the New Madrid Seismic Zone: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v.8, n.5, (Nov-Dec), pp. 699-724.

Rogers, J. David, 2003, A Man, a dam, and a disaster: The St. Francis Dam Disaster Revisited, D.B. Nunis, Jr., ed., Southern California Quarterly, 77:1-2, Spring/Summer 1995; (pp. 1-109). DOI: 10.2307/41171757

Rogers, J. David, 1995, Mentors, Failures, and the Future of Engineering Geology: GSA Today, Vol. 5, No. 3 (March), Geological Society of America, pp. 59-61.

Rogers, J. David, 1992, Seismic Response of Highway Embankments: Transportation Research Record No. 1343: Rockfall Prediction and Control and Landslide Case Histories, National Academies Press, pp. 52-62.

Chin, H. P., and Rogers, J. D., 1987, Creep Parameters of Rocks on an Engineering Scale: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, v. 20:2, pp. 137‑146. DOI: 10.1007/BF01410044

Olshansky, R.B., and Rogers, J. D., 1987, Unstable Ground: Landslide Policy in the United States, Ecology Law Quarterly, 13:4, pp. 939-1006. DOI: 10.15779/Z38BV7V

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