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Miscellaneous Publications and Conference Proceedings

Rogers, J. David, 2017, On AEG’s 60th Anniversary: The Origins of the Association and the Certification of Professional Geologists: AEG News 60(1):6-7.

Rogers, J. David, 2015, Hales Bar and the Pitfalls of Constructing Dams on Karst, Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, Proceedings 14th Multidisciplinary Conference, Rochester, p. 26.

Rogers, J. David, 2014, Engineering the Panama Canal: Civil Engineering, v. 84:10 (October), pp. 72-95.

Rogers, J. David, 2012, Fragility Curves for Risk-based Assessment of Levees, Geoconfluence 2012 Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Conference sponsored by the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, in St. Charles, MO, Nov 2, 2012, pp 1-8.

Rogers, J. D., and Kemp, G.P., 2012, Question 5: Navigation Issues. 2012, in Answering 10 Fundamental Questions About the Mississippi River Delta: A Report by the Mississippi River Delta Science & Engineering Special Team convened by the National Audubon Society, Environmental Defense Fund, and the National Wildlife Federation, pp. 18-21.

Rogers, J. D., Jaye Cable, and William Nuttle, 2012, Question 6: Levees and Flood Protection. 2012, in Answering 10 Fundamental Questions About the Mississippi River Delta: A Report by the Mississippi River Delta Science & Engineering Special Team convened by the National Audubon Society, Environmental Defense Fund, and the National Wildlife Federation, pp. 22-23.

Rogers, J. David, 2010, Celebrating Hoover Dam: The Majesty of Hoover Dam [cover story]: Civil Engineering, v. 80:11 (November), pp. 52-65.

Rogers, J. David, 2010, Geology Controls Everything: The Engineering Geologist, v. 44:2 (September), pp. 1-5.

N. H. Putnam, N. Anderson, and J. D. Rogers, 2010, Case Studies in Geophysical Applications Used in Engineering Problems: Army Engineer, v. 18:5 (Sept-Oct), pp. 46-51.

J. D. Rogers, R. Storesund, C. Watkins, J.-L. Briaud, R.G. Bea, N. H. Maerz, M. Bernhardt, D. Franken, A. V. Govindsamy, S.-G. Lim, D. Kim, M. Leclair, G. Hempen, 2009, Observations of Levee Failures along the Upper Mississippi and Lower Iowa Rivers During the Floods of 2008: Proceedings of 2009 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 22-26, 2009, Grant #0842801.

R. Storesund, R.G. Bea, M. Bernhardt, J.-L. Briaud, D. Franken, A. V. Govindsamy, S.-G. Lim, D. Kim, M. Leclair, G. Hempen, N. H. Maerz, J. D. Rogers, and C. Watkins 2009, 2008 Midwest Levee Performance Investigation Summary of Initial Field Reconnaissance: Proceedings of 2009 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 22-26,2009, Grant #0842801.

M. Bernhardt, R.G. Bea, J.-L. Briaud, D. Franken, A. V. Govindsamy, S.-G. Lim, D. Kim, M. Leclair, G. Hempen, N. H. Maerz, J. D. Rogers, R. Storesund, and C. Watkins 2009, 2008 Midwest Levee Failure Investigation Summary of Erosion and Index Testing: Proceedings of 2009 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 22-26,2009, Grant #0842801.

Rogers, J. D., 2008, Professional Engineering Registration: The Civil Engineer, v. LV:5 (May), San Francisco Section, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 1-9.

Putnam, N. H., and Rogers, J. D., 2007, Time and Cost Effective Evaluations of the Subsurface: Army Engineer, v. 15:1 (Jan-Feb), pp. 48-57.

Rogers, J. David, 2003, Notes on Rock Reinforcement Using Threadbar Rockbolts, for Symposium on Condition Assessment of Rock Reinforcement, Transportation Research Board Annual Highway Geology Symposium, Burlington, Vermont, September 23, 2003, 9 p., 2 plates.

Rogers, J. David, 2003, Dams and Disasters: A Brief Overview of Dam Building in California (2003): PowerPoint lecture on CD-ROM provided to the University of California Water Resources Center Archives, the Center for California Studies at U.C. Berkeley, Department of Civil Engineering at U.C. Berkeley, State of California Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the California Academy of Sciences. This presentation is currently used in whole or part for training by seven state dam safety organizations, the U.S. Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Rogers, J. David, 2002, What is Geoforensics?: Eisenhower Professional Development Program sponsored by Mineral Area College in Park Hills, MO, Online:

Rogers, J. David, 2002, Forensic Geology Case Histories: Eisenhower Professional Development Program sponsored by Mineral Area College in Park Hills, MO, Online:

Rogers, J. David, 2002, How Geologists Unraveled the Mysteries of Japanese Vengeance Bombs During World War 2: Eisenhower Professional Development Program sponsored by Mineral Area College, Park Hills, MO.

Rogers, J. David, 2000, Geologic Conditions and the Design and Construction of BART’s TransBay Tubes (2000): in L. Alvarez, ed., AEG-GRA 2000 Field Trip Guidebook, From the Pacific Ocean to the Sierra Nevada: Taming Shaky Ground: Association of Engineering Geologists and Groundwater Resources Association Joint Annual Meeting, San Jose, p. 31-52.

Rogers, J. David, 2000, Bay Area Rapid Transit Tunnels (2000), in G. Borchardt, et al., Engineering for Surface Fault Rupture on the Hayward Fault: in L. Alvarez, ed., AEG-GRA 2000 Field Trip Guidebook, From the Pacific Ocean to the Sierra Nevada: Taming Shaky Ground: Association of Engineering Geologists and Groundwater Resources Association Joint Annual Meeting, San Jose, p. 6-9, 12 and 22-23.

Rogers, J. David, 2000, An Amazing Career - Photo Essay of the Life and Professional Contributions of Ralph B. Peck: Peck Gala, 4th Annual Meeting of the GeoInstitute, American Society of Civil Engineers, Denver, CO, August 5, 2000, (invited contribution), 113 pages.

Rogers, J. David, 2000, A Murky Future for Engineering Geology?: International Landslide Research Group Newsletter, v. 13., n. 3, (September), pp. 1-3.

Rogers, J. David, and Peck, Ralph B., 2000, Engineering Geology of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) System, 1964-75. ASCE San Francisco Section.

Rogers, J.D., and Drumm, P.L., 1999, Overview of the 1998 Mission Peak Landslide, Fremont, CA: Field Trip Guide, Northern California Geological Society, May 8, 1999, 27 p., 1 pl.

Rogers, J. David, 1998, Sources of Engineering Geologic Information for Evaluation of Seismically-Induced Landslides and Liquefaction in Northern California: Seismic Hazards Short Course notes, University of California Extension, Berkeley, Aug 20-22, 1998 and August 17-19, 2000.

Rogers, J. David, 1998, Sources of Engineering Geologic Information for Evaluation of Seismically-Induced Landslides and Liquefaction in Southern California: Seismic Hazards Short Course notes, California Division of Mines & Geology and Southern California Earthquake Center, Los Angeles, Jan 22-24, 1998; and University of California Extension Seismic Hazards Short Course, Los Angeles July 31-Aug 1, 1998.

Rogers, J. David, 1998, Engineering Geologic Characterization of Landslides: Seismic Hazards Short Course notes California Division of Mines & Geology and Southern California Earthquake Center, Los Angeles, Jan 22-24, 1998; and University of California Extension Seismic Hazards Short Course, Los Angeles July 31-Aug 1, 1998 and Berkeley, CA Aug 20-22, 1998 and Aug 17-19, 2000.

Rogers, J. David, 1998, Landslide Mapping Example: Seismic Hazards Short Course notes, California Division of Mines & Geology and Southern California Earthquake Center, Los Angeles, Jan 22-24, 1998; and University of California Extension Seismic Hazards Short Course, Los Angeles July 31-Aug 1, 1998 and Berkeley, CA Aug 20-22, 1998 and Aug 17-19, 2000.

Rogers, J. David, 1998, Notes for Expert Witnesses Giving Depositions, Technical Workshop on Role of the Engineer as an Expert Witness, American Society of Civil Engineers, San Francisco Section, Geotechnical Group, April 21, 1998, 13 p.

Rogers, J. David, 1997, Man-Made Disaster at an Old Landslide Dam Site: in A Day in the Field with Thomas Dibblee and J. David Rogers, St. Francis Dam area, May 17, 1997: Field Trip Guidebook, H.E. Ehrenspect and J.R. Powell, eds., The Dibblee Geological Foundation, Santa Barbara, pp. 26-103.

Rogers, J. David., 1997, Say, What is a 100-year flood? And, why do we have so many of them?: San Francisco Insurance Claims Forum News Network, v. 2, n. 9, pp. 3-7 (May 1997). Online:

Rogers, J. David, 1997, Report on the 1996 Jahns Lectureship Tour, AEG San Francisco Section Newsletter, v. 13, n. 1 (January), pp. 1-5.

Rogers, J. David, 1994, A Primer on Developments in Assessment of Soil Settlement over the Past Decade (1984-94): Technical Workshop on Settlement of Soils, American Society of Civil Engineers, San Francisco Section, Geotechnical Group, October 18, 1994, 28p.

Rogers, J. David, 1994, Course Notes and Example Problems, FHWA Advanced Soil Slope Stability Course, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, Knoxville, TN, May 16-19, 1994, 57 pp.

Rogers, J. David, 1994, Overview of the Computerized Well Database for Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California: 21 pages of notes with 1 plate prepared for symposium on earthquake hazard research in San Francisco Bay Region at U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, March 1994.

Rogers, J. D., and McMahon, D.L., 1993, Reassessment of the St. Francis Dam Failure: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference, Assn. of State Dam Safety Officials, Kansas City, MO, Sept., 1993, pp. 333-339.

Rogers, J. David, 1993, An Introduction to Physical Geologic Factors Affecting Groundwater In­flow into Large Bore Tunnels [Sections 2.3 and 3.1.4]: Proceedings, Workshop on Prediction of Groundwater Flow into Deep Tunnels and Excavations, 18-19 Feb 1987: R.E. Goodman and A. Bro, eds., Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS Geotechnical Lab, Report No. A925072, August 1993.

Rogers, J. D., Crane, K.M., and Snyder, D.L., 1993, Damage to Foundations from Expansive Soils: Claims People, Vol. 3, No. 4 (April), pp. 1-4.

Rogers, J. David, 1992, Seismic Response of Embankments: Proceedings of 35th Annual Meeting Associa­tion of Engineering Geologists, 1992, Vol. 35, pp. 474-484.

Rogers, J. David, and Olshansky, Robert B., 1992, Science versus Advocacy: The Reviewer's Role to Protect Public Inter­est: in R. A. Larson, ed., Symposium on A Reviewers Perspec­tive of Regulatory Review, Proceedings of 35th Annual Meeting, Associa­tion of Engineering Geologists, Vol. 35, pp. 371-378.

Rogers, J. David, 1992, Mechanisms of Seismically‑Induced Slope Movements, Proceedings of 71st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, January 12‑16, 1992, Washington, D.C., Paper No. 920882.

Rogers, J. David, 1991, Landslides of the Cordelia‑Vallejo Area, Napa and Solano Counties, California, in Field Trip Guide to the Geology of Western Solano County: Northern California Geological Society and Association of Engineering Geologists, October 12, 1991, pp. 128‑159.

Rogers, J. David, 1991, Geologic and geotechnical considerations in developing functionality criteria for earthquake resistant design: Minutes of the Engineering Criteria Review Board Meeting; San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, State of California, Sept. 11, 1991, San Fran­cisco.

Rogers, J. David, 1989, Collapse of the Cypress Structure and Unraveling the Asymmetric Ground Motion in West Oakland : in What We Have Learned from the Oct. 17, 1989 M 7.1 Loma Prieta Earthquake, ed. by G. Reid, 16th Annual SABER Symposium Proceedings Volume, San Jose State University, 1989, pp. 64‑86.

Rogers, J.D., and Veisze, P., 1990, Logistics of Emergency Aerial Photography: The San Francisco Area Earthquake Example: Proceedings Third Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference, Tucson, Vol. 3, pp. 67-73.

Rogers, J. David, 1990, Notes on An Engineer's Perspective on Liability Exposure of Water Agencies: As­sociation of California Water Agencies Conference, La Quinta, March 1990, 30 pages.

Rogers, J. David, 1989, Outline of Testimony Given before the Assembly Transportation Com­mittee, State of California, on the I‑880 Cypress Structure Collapse: (State) Assembly Committee Hearing on The Seismic Safety of California's Freeway System, November 7, 1989, Los Angeles, California, Hon. R. Katz, Chairman, State of California, Joint Publications Office, Sacramento, pp. 60-74 and 112-154.

Rogers, J. D., Olshansky, R.B., and Alger, C.A., 1989, Geology, Geomorphology, and Landslide Processes of the East San Fran­cisco Bay Hills, California in: Landslides in Central California, Field Trip Guidebook T381, ed. W.M. Brown III, 28th International Geologic Con­gress, Washington, D.C., July 1989, pp. 90‑98. DOI: 10.1029/FT381p0090

Rogers, J. David, 1989, Landslide Processes of the East Bay Hills, Supplement to Guidebook T381, 28th International Geologic Congress, Washington, D.C., July 1989, 90 p.

Rogers, J. David, 1988, Pleistocene to Holocene Transition in Contra Costa County, California: Geology of San Ramon Valley and Environs, Northern California Geologi­cal Society, ed. R. Crane, pp. 29‑52.

Rogers, J. David, 1988, A Synopsis of the Developmental History of Contra Costa County, California: Geology of San Ramon Valley and Environs, Northern California Geological Society, ed. R. Crane, pp. 67‑98.

Rogers, J. David, 1988, History of Grading Practices in the Development of Contra Costa County, California: Geology of San Ramon Valley and Environs, North­ern California Geological Society, ed. R. Crane, pp. 99‑162.

Rogers, J. David, 1987, Rockbolt Design Handbook: Short Course Foundations in Tension: Department of Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Bos­ton, Massachusetts, June 1987.

Rogers, J. David, 1987, Notes on Recent Developments in Tensile Reinforcement of Rock: Short Course Notes Design Performance of Tieback and Anchor Systems, Geor­gia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1987, 50 p.

Rogers, J. David, 1986, Landslide Processes of the East Bay Hills: Field Trip Guidebook, 29th Annual Meeting, Association of Engineering Geologists, San Francisco, 90 pp.

Rogers, J. David, 1985, Impacts of Climatic and Environmental Change on Slope Morphology in the Colorado Plateau: Penrose Specialty Conference on Geomorphic and Stratigraphic Indicators of Climatic Change in Arid and Semi‑arid ­Environments, Geological Society of America, Lake Havasu, Arizona.

Rogers, J. David, 1985, Earthquake Induced Bedform Distortions, Imperial Valley Region, California: Geology and Geothermal Energy of the Salton Trough: ed. L.J. Herber, National Association of Geology Teachers, 1985, pp. 167-171.

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