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Dr. Rogers' Peer Reviewed Articles in Special Publications

Rogers, J. David, and Grote, Katherine, 2017, Lessons learned from the 1986 Linda Levee failure, Geo-Risk 2017: Impact of Spatial Variability, Probabilistic Site Characterization, and Geohazards, Eds. Jinsong Huang; Gordon A. Fenton; Limin Zhang; and D. V. Griffiths. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) No. 284, pp. 46-55.

Rogers, J. David, 2015, “Dry Dams” and the Dayton Flood of 1913: The Origins of Integrated Systems Engineering Concepts.” GeoStrata, ASCE, v. 19:4, pp. 44-50.

Rogers, J. David, 2014, The American Engineers Who Built the Panama Canal; in B. G. Dennis, Jr., Ed., Engineering the Panama Canal: A Centennial Retrospective, ASCE Press, pp. 112-349. ISBN:978-0-7844-1373-9

Rogers, J. David and Chung, J.W., 2013, “Distinguishing between Data Uncertainty and Natural Variability in Virtual Geotechnical Databases.” In J. L. Withiam, K.K. Phoon, and M.H. Hussein, eds., Foundation Engineering in the Face of Uncertainty, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 229, p. 444-455.

Rogers, J. David, 2011, The Degrading Mississippi Delta: how much longer can it be sustained?: GeoStrata, ASCE, v. 15:6, pp. 24-29.

Chung, J.W., and Rogers, J.D., 2011, Spatial Prediction of Groundwater Depth to Trigger Liquefaction in St. Louis: GeoRisk 2011: Geotechnical Risk & Management, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) No. 224, pp. 804-811.

First of five articles on the design, construction, and operation of Hoover Dam

Rogers, J. D., 2010, Hoover Dam: Evolution of the Dam’s Design: in R. L. Wiltshire, D.R. Gilbert, and J.R. Rogers, Eds., Hoover Dam 75th Anniversary History Symposium, American Society of Civil Engineers: pp. 85-123. DOI: 10.1061/41141(390)7

Rogers, J. D., 2010, Hoover Dam: First Joint Venture and Construction Milestones in Excavation, Geology, Materials Handling, and Aggregates: in R. L. Wiltshire, D.R. Gilbert, and J.R. Rogers, Eds., Hoover Dam 75th Anniversary History Symposium, American Society of Civil Engineers: pp. 124-162.

DOI: 10.1061/41141(390)8

Rogers, J. D., 2010, Hoover Dam: Construction Milestones in Concrete Delivery and Placement, Steel Fabrication, and Job Site Safety: in R. L. Wiltshire, D.R. Gilbert, and J.R. Rogers, Eds., Proceedings of the Hoover Dam 75th Anniversary History Symposium, American Society of Civil Engineers: pp. 163-188. DOI: 10.1061/41141(390)9

Rogers, J. D., 2010, Hoover Dam: Operational Milestones, Lessons Learned, and Strategic Import: in R. L. Wiltshire, D.R. Gilbert, and J.R. Rogers, Eds., Hoover Dam 75th Anniversary History Symposium, American Society of Civil Engineers: pp. 189-215. DOI: 10.1061/41141(390)10

Rogers, J. D., 2010, Hoover Dam: Scientific Studies, Name Controversy, Tourist Attraction, and Contributions to Engineering: in R. L. Wiltshire, D.R. Gilbert, and J.R. Rogers, Eds., Hoover Dam 75th Anniversary History Symposium, American Society of Civil Engineers: pp. 216-248.

DOI: 10.1061/41141(390)11

Rogers, J. D., 2010, Citation for the 2010 E.B. Burwell, Jr. Award to W.L. Bilodeau, S.W. Bilodeau, E.M. Gath, M. Oborne, and R.J. Proctor for their article titled “Geology of Los Angeles, California, USA” in the March 2007 issue of Environmental & Engineering Geoscience: 2010 Medals & Awards, GSA Today, Vol. 20, No. 9, Geological Society of America, pp. 12-13.

Rogers, J. D., 2010, Overview of Likely Consequences of a Magnitude 6.5+ Earthquake in the Central United States: Proceedings of Preparing for a Significant Central United States Earthquake – Science Needs of the Response and Recovery Community. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5173, pp. 17-29.

Luna, R., Summers, D., Hoffman, D., Rogers, J. D., Sevi, A., and Witt, E., 2007, Geotechnical Reconnaissance of the Mississippi River Delta Flood-protection System After Hurricane Katrina: in Science and the Storms: USGS Response to the Hurricanes of 2005, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, pp. 28-35.

Watkins, C.M., Rogers, J. D., and Warme, J. E., 2007, Reconstruction of Composite Landslides in Flat-Lying Sedimentary Strata Using Graphical Methods: Conference Presentations, First North American Landslide Conference: Conference Presentations: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists Special Publication No. 23, pp. 488-501.

Watkins, C.M., Rogers, J. D., and Oboh-Ikuenobe, F., 2007, Use of Palynology to Complement the Analysis and Dating of Megalandslides in the Colorado Plateau: Conference Presentations, First North American Landslide Conference: Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists Special Publication No. 23, pp. 810-819.

Seed, R.B., Bea, R.G., Athanasopoulos, A.G., Boutwell, G.P., Bray, Cheung, C., Collins, B.D., Cobos-Roa, D., Cohen-Waeber, J., Harder, L.F., Kayen, R.E., Moss, R.E.S., Pestana, J.M., Porter, J., Riemer, M.F., Rogers, J. D., Storesund, R., and Vera-Grunauer, X., 2007, Investigation of Levee Performance in Hurricane Katrina: The New Orleans Drainage Canals, in F. Silva-Tulla and P.G. Nicholson, eds., Embankments, Dams, and Slopes: Lessons from the New Orleans Levee Failures and Other Current Issues, American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 161, pp. 1-16.

Seed, R.B., Bea, R.G., Athanasopoulos, A.G., Boutwell, G.P., Bray, Cheung, C., Collins, B.D., Cobos-Roa, D., Harder, L.F., Kayen, R.E., Pestana, J.M., Porter, J., Riemer, M.F., Rogers, J. D., Storesund, R., Vera-Grunauer, X., and Wartman, J., 2007, Investigation of Levee Performance in Hurricane Katrina: The Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, in F. Silva-Tulla and P.G. Nicholson, eds., Embankments, Dams, and Slopes: Lessons From the New Orleans Levee Failures and Other Current Issues, American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 161, pp. 17-32.

Seed, R.B., Bea, R.G., Abdelmalak, R.I., Athanasopoulos, A.G., Boutwell, G.P., Bray, Briaud, J.-L., Cheung, C., Cohen-Waeber, J., Collins, B.D., Cobos-Roa, D., Farber, D., Hanenmann, M.,Harder, L.F., Inkabi, K.S., Kammerer, A.M., Karadeniz, D., Kayen, R.E., Moss, R.E.S., Nicks, J., Nimala, S., Pestana, J.M., Porter, J., Rhee, K., Riemer, M.F., Roberts, K., Rogers, J. D., Storesund, R., Govindasamy, A.V., Vera-Grunauer, X., Wartman, J., Watkins, C.M., Wenk, E., and Yim, S., 2007, Investigation of the Performance of the New Orleans Regional Flood Protection Systems During Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned, in F. Silva-Tulla and P.G. Nicholson, eds., Embankments, Dams, and Slopes: Lessons from the New Orleans Levee Failures and Other Current Issues, American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 161, pp. 45-16.

Rogers, J. David, 2006, Lessons Learned from the St. Francis Dam Failure: GeoStrata, ASCE, v. 6:2 (Mar-Apr), pp. 14-17.

Rogers, J. David, 2004, Lessons on Site Characterization Gleaned from Geoforensic Studies: in Hempen, G.L., and Hatheway, A.W., eds., in Visioning the Future of Engineering Geology: Site Characterization, Vol. 3: Association of Engineering Geologists Special Publication No. 19, separately paginated, 48 p.

Rogers, J. D., and Beckmann, N., 2003, West Lost Creek Trail Sturzstrom: A Composite Landslide, Eds. P. Boyer, P. Rogers and P. Santi: Engineering Geology in Colorado: Contributions, Trends and Case Histories, Association of Engineering Geologists Special Publication No.15/Colorado Geological Survey Special Publication 55, 20 p. This volume was selected for the 2007 Claire P. Holdridge Award of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists.

Rogers, J. David, 2002, Disappearing Practice Opportunities: Why Are Owners and Engineers Taking Increased Risks? in R. E. Tepel, ed., Symposium on Visioning the Future of Engineering Geology: Sustainability and Stewardship, Vol. 1, Association of Engineering Geologists Special Publication No. 19, separately paginated, 14 p.

Rogers, J. David, 2002, Influence of Geology on BART’s Orinda Station landslide and Berkeley Hills Tunnels, in H. Ferrez and R. Anderson, eds., Engineering Geology Practice in Northern California, California Geological Survey Bulletin 210 and AEG Special Publication 12, pp. 475-486.

Rogers, J. David, 2002, Influence of Geology on BART’s San Francisco Subways, in H. Ferrez and R. Anderson, eds., Engineering Geology Practice in Northern California, California Geological Survey Bulletin 210 and AEG Special Publication 12, pp. 487-500.

Rogers, J. David, 2002, Influence of Geology on the Design of BART’s Trans-Bay Tubes, in H. Ferrez and R. Anderson, eds., Engineering Geology Practice in Northern California, California Geological Survey Bulletin 210 and AEG Special Publication 12, pp. 501-518.

Rogers, J. David, 1997, Spatial Geologic Hazard Analysis in Practice: in Spatial Analysis in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, ed. J. David Frost, American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publication No. 67, (1997), pp. 15-28.

Rogers, J. D., and Halliday, J. M., 1993, Tracking the Elusive Calaveras Fault from Sunol to Danville: Earthquake Hazards of the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 113, pp. 261-270.

Rogers, J. D., and Halliday, J. M., 1993, Exploring the Calaveras ‑ Las Trampas Fault Junction in the Danville ‑ San Ramon Area: Earthquake Hazards of the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 113, pp. 271-280.

Rogers, J. D., and Figuers, S.H., 1993, Late Quaternary Stratigraphy of the East Bay Plain: Earthquake Hazards in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area: California Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 113, pp. 19-27.

Rogers, J. David, 1992, Reassessment of the St. Francis Dam Failure, Engineering Geology Practice in Southern California: ed B.W. Pipkin and R.J. Proctor; Association of Engineering Geologists, Special Pub­lication No. 4, pp. 639-666. This article was selected for the E.B. Burwell Award of the Geological Society of America in 1994 and the Rock Mechanics Award of the National Research Council in 1994.

Rogers, J. D., Herber, L.J., and Hibner, T. H., 1992, Paleolandslides in San Antonio Canyon, California, Engineering Geology Practice in Southern California: ed B.W. Pipkin and R.J. Proctor; Associa­tion of Engineering Geologists, Special Publication No. 4, pp. 579-594.

Rogers, J. David, 1992, Long Term Behavior of Urban Fill Embankments: Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments II: American Society of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Special Publication 31, Vol. 2, pp. 1258-1273.

Rogers, J. David, 1991, Brief Engineering History and Observations of Damage to the San Francisco‑Oak­land Bay Bridge and I‑880 Cypress Structure, in Loma Prieta Earthquake: Engineering Geologic Perspectives; eds J. E. Baldwin,II and N. Sitar: Association of Engineering Geologists Special Publi­cation No. 1, pp. 151‑170.

Rogers, J. David, and Figuers, Sands H., Site Stratigraphy and Near Shore Development Effects on Soil Amplifica­tion in the Greater Oakland Area, in Loma Prieta Earthquake: Engineering Geologic Perspectives; eds J.E. Baldwin, II and N. Sitar: Association of Engineering Geologists Special Publi­cation No. 1, pp. 123‑150.

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